We finally are able to upgrade the plain cardboard boxes we are currently using to these cool graphic boxes. We could not have done this without strong demand for the Visor Buddy polarized visor extenders. We thank you for your continued support.
A cartel exists in the sunglasses industry with one company controlling over 90% of the market. This accounts for most of the high prices found when shopping for sunglasses, especially polarized sunglasses.
A quality visor extender, like Visor Buddy, is a crucial tool for any driver. It's not just about convenience, but also about safety. When driving, especially during early morning or late afternoon hours, the sun's glare can be blinding and potentially hazardous. A cheap, non-polarized visor extender may seem like a quick fix, but it lacks the essential feature of polarization, which significantly reduces the glare and makes for a safer drive.